Monday, June 27, 2011

What is this all About?

Go Back to the Start

The other day I stumbled upon some information that, while I am sure I knew, I had not acknowledge to myself.  I graduated from college 4 years ago, and I have nothing to show for it.  Scary thought.  My career path has meandered so far off the road that I am completely lost.  Not only am I not working in the area of my major. My current position doesn't even require a degree.  How did I get so off track?  At this point I am not even sure I know the answer to that.   There are so many things I could have/should have done differently and there's really no telling what could have happened if I changed this or that.  What I do know is that it is time to get back on track.  So I am starting over.  Since nothing I have done since college is working I am going back to being a recent graduate.

How do you Know?

My first step is to define my dream job.  This was the start of my previous undoing.  Well, the advantage to my situation is that I know what I don't like to do, which makes it easier to narrow down where I will be happy.  Now maybe we never truly can be sure that our dream job will be just that, but there is one thing I know for sure.  I love books!  My favorite thing to do in any spare moment is to curl up with a book. My favorite place to be is in bookstore or library surrounded by so many new adventures waiting for me to pick them up.  I love discovering new things, getting lost in a world that is not my own or even gaining knowledge of my world through a good book.   The other thing that I know is that my dream career will not be easy to get.  So where does that leave this "recent graduate".  My new path is to find an internship, impress them with my amazing skills and hopefully this will eventually lead me to my dream job

You Call Yourself a Writer? 

The other issue I have is that I like to call myself a writer.  Books are my hobby, my passion and will hopefully become my career.   I studied journalism because I thought it was more practical than being an English major, but literature was where my heart was (and still is).  And like many journalism and English majors I harbor a fantasy of becoming a best-selling author (with production companies clamoring for the movie rights, of course).  But despite all this, I never seem to actually write anything.  I love to write and yet I never seem able to.  I either lack inspiration or find my inspiration lacking.  My solution: to start this blog which will track my journey to land my dream job in publishing, discuss some books along the way and hopefully entertain someone in the process. 

Hope you will come on this journey with me!

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