It really became clear to me how much of a coward I had become, when I told people my plans, and they didn't believe me. I guess I don't really blame them. What isn't clear is when exactly I became the person I am. The girl that is too afraid to do anything risky that she settles for mediocrity. I still remember standing up in front of my reporting class and announcing that I was going to move to NYC and work for a fashion magazine. The exact nature of my dreams may have changed, but my aspirations to do more with my life have not and it's time I recaptured the real me hiding beneath my fears.
So, when I announce that I am moving to Boston, please don't scoff. I am no longer going to wait for my dreams to come to me. If I want to work for a publisher in Boston, then obviously I need to be there. Do I know exactly how I am going to do this? Not exactly. All I do know is that I am going to transfer my current retail position and couch surf for a while. The rest I am not sure of. Do I care? Nope. Why? Because it feels good to take control of my own life and make things happen. While there is fear of the unknown, there is also freedom to it. And I am reveling in my freedom.
So, stay tuned because hopefully this blog is going to get a lot more interesting.